# Play-To-Earn

# Stamina

Ninneko has stamina, which recovers every 10 minutes. Battling in PvP Arena costs stamina

graph LR
   B[Idle system] -->|stamina|A(Ninnekos)

# Battling

Using Ninnekos in PvP, player can battle with another and get MATA token as rewards

Once you earn MATA in game, you can claim them to your wallet.

graph LR

    A -->|stamina| B[PvP Arena]
    B -->|MATA token|A(Ninnekos)

# Breeding

Ninneko can be bred to create new offspring

Players can trade Ninnekos on Market using BNB

graph LR

    C[Breeding System] --> |new Ninnekos|A(Players)
    B -->|BNB|A
    A --> |breed|C    
    A -->|new Ninnekos| B[Market]